
Saturday 25 February 2012

Master of Light

A rather grand title to catch your attention. While we were on our trip around the North Island just before Christmas, Prabhash proved he has a good eye as a photographer. Especially he has an ability to snap his subject when it is bathed in the right light. Some of his pictures are almost water colour paintings. Enjoy this selection of some of his photographs I have put together.

No it's not a Hokusai woodcut of Fuji. It's Prabhash capturing the last light on Taranaki with his camera.

           More last light from our aspiring Ansel Adams on the coast along from new Plymouth.

   Flash captures wild flowers against the evening sea.

Not a Turner watercolour, but something he wouldn't have been ashamed of.

Turning his hand to a mosaic of wave-worn boulders.

Margaret Preston would be a little jealous of his choice of subject.

And would Degas have made this moment into a pastel drawing?

But this final shot from the Festival of Lights at New Plymouth is pure Warhol.

Keep up the camera work Prabhash..... 

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