Wednesday 28 March 2012

Arty Taranaki

The historic old post office Clock Tower in New Plymouth surprises with its contemporary art work pullover by Taranaki born artist Shannon Novak. Installed for last year's Lantern Festival the art  intended to disappear last month but was still in place to delight the WOMAD crowd. 

Something strangely French about this mural in the city centre transforming this house entirely
into its subject matter - a very large fat man on his bicycle - shades of the Triplets of Belleville 

A striking example of the public art blending with architecture in New Plymouth 

Pavlova Radio a finalist in Radio New Zealand's 2011 design competition Sounds Like Us

Caravan Radio another exhibit in Sounds Like Us currently on show at Puke Ariki - the New Plymouth museum attached to the central City Library.

                                                                                                                                                                Atom Radio - salute to New Zealander Lord Rutherford  was another runner up.

Taranaki from Rahotu by Lawrence Aberhart from his current show at Govett-Brewster 

Art Gallery new Plymouth. The gallery opened in 1970 with grants from local benefactor Monica Brewster and has grown into  the major voice in the country for international and national contemporary art. The current director Rhana Devenport was for 10 years Senior Project Officer Asia Pacific Triennial of Contempoary Art at the Queensland Art Gallery.

The most important Art Work remains Mount Taranaki itself  -  dominating every vista and everyone's consciousness. Creator of the very land mass for miles around including the site of  New Plymouth and a dozen towns. Master of the fate of every rock, plant, animal and human for 300,000 years, only taking a temporary rest from his labours 250 yrs ago.

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