Sunday 9 October 2011

More Celebrations yet already

                                                                   photos by Prabhash Dias Abeygunawardhana

Last weekend the burgeoning Indian population of this distant land, celebrated a  famous compatriot's return from an island and from exile. DIWALI  remembers Rama and Sita's flight home to north India from Sri Lanka and may mean something very personal for the Indian Kiwis.

The festival is celebrated over two days in Aotea Square in the centre of Auckland and even spills over into the main street which is partially closed for the occasion. We sampled delicious masala and samosa and bought a small altar lamp for Prabhash's Buddha shrine.

New Zealand's 100,000 strong Indian population has migrated here from Fiji and India or achieved permanent residence after study here and is expected to double in the next ten years so the IT and small business future of this country is assured.

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