Monday, 5 March 2012

The City v the Country

Today I went to the city for the first time in a month. Thats what happens to the country recluse. Well anyway, I took some pictures, and walking back from the bus I took some more of our new domestic environs. Different to say the least. But better? .... well thats up to you.

The City

                         The great needle of addiction soars over the Auckland Casino.

On K Road, opposite the entrance to East Street - our old address 

       The beautiful old Naval and Family Hotel corner of K Road and Pitt Street. 
Has it improved in status as the home of Calendar Girls?

Talking of status, the grand old art deco merchandiser turns into upmarket units.

The neighbouring building houses backpackers. But don't you love the impressive 
Norman No Building next door with a facade the width of  its front door.

Further up Karangahape Road the Assyrian symbol tops an impressive building
 that seems to have suffered its own September 11th

And a little further up the road another building seems like its ready for anything.

while Barker & Pol wasn't ready to repel the grafittist

but it's not all Deco and Victoriana in K Road. A new contribution in marble and rusty steel.

with a lift well in the courtyard that leaves you spell bound.

The Country

Walking from the bus to our new Beach Haven home the harbour offers calm after the city trip

And our little house - last on the right among the trees - seems lost in the trees of the reserve

Close by our house,two guardian trees defy the setting sun - 
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas

and then surrender to the peaceful evening. 

And though the last lights off the black West went, Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs— Gerard Manley Hopkins  - next morning  cicadas burst forth with their noisy wings 

1 comment:

  1. I love the cicadas - their husks are all over our front fence at the moment
