Thursday 12 April 2012

April at Home

April in Auckland seems to be a bit confused. As the Aussie bottle brush bursts into flower and bees , birds and butterflies swarm around the sticky blooms one could almost be forgiven for thinking that the Antipodeas is enjoying an English spring. A twenty foot radius around our house is suddenly alight with flowers and airborne life. I think its summer going out with a bang, but maybe its just my birthday celebrations. Thank you Aeotearoa.

                   When that Aprille with his showers sweet  
                   The drought of Marche hath pierced to the root,
                   And bathed every vein in such liquor,
                   Of which virtue engendred is the flower;
                   When the West Wind with his sweet breath         
                   Inspired has in every holt and heath 
                   The tender crops, and the young sun 
                   Has in the Ram his half course run,  
                   And small fowls makin' melody, 
                   That sleep all the night with open eye,        
                   So pricks him nature in her courage:  
                   Then folk long to go on pilgrimage.
                                                               Geoffrey Chaucer

A sea of Bottlebrush ( Callistemon) confronts our deck

A rocket launch

A star burst

A safe landing

Pink blooms on the driveway

making a bee line for the nectar

....... bathed every vein in such liquor

..... as such engendered is the flower

in the garden

in the house

.... good nature copies art   Oscar Wilde

And animal life appears in the house as a neighbouring cat begins to visit 

An April birthday at home ( note the Daisuke cat - no visitor but belongs here ) 

and abroad misplaced Arian enthusiasm wrecks another venture 

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